written by Dr.ZiaUllah Zia
  Education is among other 5 basic necessities namely food, clothing, shelter & health.Among  these the Food (including water) is utmost essential and without it no organism can lead life on this earth. All over the world especially in our own country the common people are either malnourished or undernourished. Is it legitimate or justified to spend a lot of money on quite unnecessary things as drama costumes etc in the name of educatiion. Eventhough education is a basic necessity , neverthelessy  far less as much essential as food. Here I quote the words of our Quaid e Azam:
" Here, I should like to give a warning to the landlords and capitalists who have flourished at our expense by a system which is so vicious, which is so wicked and which makes them so selfish that it is difficult to reason with them.
The exploitation of the masses has gone into their blood. They have forgotten the lessons of Islam. Greed and Selfishness have made these people subordinate to the interests of others in order to fatten themselves. It is true we are not in power today. You go anywhere to the countryside. I have visited villages. There are millions and millions of our people who hardly get one meal a day. Is this civilisation is this aim of Pakistan . Do you visualise that millions have been exploited and cannot get one meal a day. If that is the Idea of Pakistan, I would not have it. . If they are wise they will have to adjust themselves to the new modern conditions of life. If they won't, God helps them: we shall not help them.
Presidential Address delivered at the Annual Session of the All-India Muslim League,
Delhi, on April 24, 1943,
  The Holy Quran strictly prohibits
اسراف & تبذیر.
Israf means spending more than that is  necessary on basic necessities like eating & drinking and Allah dislikes those who do Israf . While those who do Tabzeer ie spend on unnecessary things are said to be the brothers of the devils.
Here I qoute those verses:
وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا وَلَا تُسْرِفُوا ۚ إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ
الاعراف 7:31
Eat and drink: But spend not by excess, for Allah loveth not the exceeders.
       Even in these basic necessities the limitatins set by traditions of our Holy Messenger ﷺ  are such that a person should not fill his or her belley upto his or her satiety level, ie he or she should leave eating  even if his hunger still persists.
In view of all  this where we shall place our hotelling or celebrations cakes and extra-drinking of soft drinks etc????
   This was all about Israf اسراف but whereas تبذیر is concerned  it means spending on unnecessary things that is more condemnable as The Holy Quran says:
..... وَلَا تُبَذِّرْ تَبْذِيرًا (26) إِنَّ الْمُبَذِّرِينَ كَانُوا إِخْوَانَ الشَّيَاطِينِ ۖ  (27) الاسراء 17
(Instead of spending on unnecessary things , serve the deserving fellow beings and hence) do not spend on unnecessary things because those who spend on unnecessay things are brothers of the devils.
  Keeping in view of these last verses where we should place our spending on celebrations like birthdays and drama costumes etc ?????
  Accordnd to the traditions of our Holy Messenger ﷺ
من حسن الاسلام المرء ترکہ ما لا یعنیہ
The best of the Islam of a man is that he leaves all that which is Unnecessary or Nonesssential in any way.
   Allah has set اسوہ حسنة ie the best criteria and the best ideal to follow in the personality, life & character of  our Holy Messenger ﷺ and he showed the whole world by leadind a life at a level even much lower than the basic necessities ie eating less, clothing less, longing less.
  Pity and shame for us who are leading a life more luxurious than the life of our  Holy Messenger ﷺ ie Muhammad the great ﷺ


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