The Separatists

By Dr.ZiaUllah Zia
        Segregation or aggregation is the choice of free will of either an individual or any group of people. This is their basic right to determine what they want. Neither any decision made in past, nor in future could seize their right.
       This case applies to all human beings that they are free to chose and select. Human beings are not pets to be kept in a cage. They can not be enchained like dogs.
   Umar the great had well said that since when human beings had been enslaved when their mothers had given them birth as a free human being.
   If a person want to leave his home, his kiths & kins, his siblings and even his children then who are we to judge or decide that his decision of separation is right or wrong. This is the person's own concern irrespective of the conseqiences and conclusions.
     Same is the case with a group in any community. If that group collectively decides in a greater majority to live independently and to get separated from the rest of the population then they must have the right to execute their plan of separation. No force can hold them back whether this may be a government or any army.
      As an example, if the people living in Karachi Asaam, Naga Land , Balochistan or Kashmir want their separate province, state or even countary they reserve with them all the legitimate rights to do so. No one can hold them back.
        Association or dissociation has their own advantages & disadvantages but as their is no compulsion of any kind in accepting or rejecting an ideology or religion, so there must not be any restriction on a person or a group of persons to opt separation.
    Keeping itegrety or unity by force brings only disharmony and chaos, rather than bringing peace & stability by mutual respect of free will for disintegration. Many nations had wasted their precious time in such dilemmas rather than using this time in their own development by letting go those people who want to leave their integral status.


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